A Travellerspoint blog

Visiting Vancouver from Quesnel, British Columbia

semi-overcast 22 °C

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My Daughter Melinda, Granddaughter Andrea and Great Granddaughters Kenzie and Erika came to visit me and see the sights. The kids had never seen the ocean so first stop was Third Beach in Stanley Park, followed by The Vancouver Aquarium for the Beluga Whale, Dolphin and SeaOtter shows among other things. Then we met my Vancouver family.....Daughter Heather and son in law Jim, Grandson Michael and his girlfriend Krissy for dinner at my favourite restaurant. The next day we went to Granville Island by way of the ferry from my complex after a swim in the pool and headed for The Science Centre before going to Heather and Jim's for dinner. Today we finished up at the Planetarium which was delightful to say the least. Michael and Krissy joined us, we went to lunch and that ended a wonderful three days.

Posted by douglasw 16:28 Archived in Canada

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