A Travellerspoint blog

A month in the south of France

sunny 25 °C

Having spent a month each year for nine years at L'Institut de Francais in Villefranche-sur-mer I decided to try something different. Aude Fauche' was my first teacher there and we are Facebook friends. So having heard she was now giving private French lessons in person and via Skype I asked if she could fit me in. With Aude's help I found a nice apartment in the old town which was founded in the 1200's and had eight three hour lessons over a two week period. And I had made up my mind to live only in French while in France which has been easy to do in this town. The few people who switched to English to help me out were very happy to go back to French when I asked.

Fortunately for me my friend Susan Beckman, who helped me attain Advanced status at L'Institut last year, joined me for a week during which we treated ourselves to wonderful lunches at the Grand Hotel du Cap Ferrat and Le Colombe d'Or in St Paul de Vence. Our lunches and dinners in town weren't too shabby either. One day we took the train to Ventimiglia across the border into Italy. Another day we met a fellow classmate from the Institut, Janet Owens and her friend Steve for lunch and we also had dinner with Elizabeth, the Institut's Secretary.

Those who have followed my Facebook posts already know I have been swimming regularly and walking my legs off. I particularly enjoyed the first day of summer celebrations during which across France there are free concerts. And because Euro 2016 is underway I have followed the football games with keen interest while hoisting a pint at my favourite spot "Chez Betty". Betty has always been happy to help me with my French as has everyone else. Oh yes, I climbed up the famous Nietzsche Pathway between Eze-sur-mer and the perched village of Eze.

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B42EF5A7DCC7B19FAFD1F77423E15C25.jpg This picture of Aude and me was taken at the cafe where we spent the second half of each lesson, Les Palmiers on the seafront. The lessons were a real pleasure and I learned a lot too thanks to Aude.

Posted by douglasw 06:23 Archived in France

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