A Travellerspoint blog

PARIS JANUARY 5-12, 2011


semi-overcast 10 °C

My previous blog entry left some of my friends perplexed. I announced that I had fallen in love, had studied French for another month and come home. Well, as we all know, life isn't always simple, is it? Heather is in France for a year studying the language. But she hasn't settled on just where or how. So when she told me she would be in Paris for 10 days or so I sensed an opportunity and being impetuous, very much in love and in hot pursuit I asked if she wanted some company. SHE DID. As a result I hopped on a plane and we had an absolutely marvellous time for a week in Paris. We visited the main sites, went to a reading at the Shakespeare and Company book store on the left bank, had many great meals, ate oysters on the half shell and toasted our week with a bottle of champagne. Oh this romance is just what I needed! And I will keep posting on my Blog.
One of the three Rose windows in Notre Dame, Paris 2011

One of the three Rose windows in Notre Dame, Paris 2011

Pere Lachaisse Cemetery,   2011

Pere Lachaisse Cemetery, 2011

Paris,  2011

Paris, 2011

Montmartre, Paris, 2011

Montmartre, Paris, 2011

Montmartre,   2011

Montmartre, 2011

Heather, Paris, 2011

Heather, Paris, 2011

Heather,  Eiffel Tower, 2011

Heather, Eiffel Tower, 2011

Heather and Doug, Paris, 2011

Heather and Doug, Paris, 2011

Heather and Doug in Paris, 2011

Heather and Doug in Paris, 2011

Posted by douglasw 10:14 Archived in France

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